Mar 26, 2020 | News
Although I’m in complete isolation at least until March 31st for those of you who are still going out for your one run a day. Â Following Tony’s advice on setting a fitness target the virtual races below might be of interest, but please remember that the...
Mar 21, 2020 | News
Unfortunately, because of the virus, we have no alternative but to cancel this year’s race. Amid all the uncertainty we feel it wouldn’t be possible to try and fix another date this year, so we intend to run the race again in 2021, on June 6th. We currently have 60 +...
Mar 18, 2020 | News
Important information: Our Club’s AGM is on March 24th.  Due to government advice we have taken the difficult decision to cancel the AGM.  it will in due course be rearranged  The race advertised in this poster might might be of interest to some as it’s...